Monday, 28 July 2014

EFS @ Fronteira, Brazil

"The Last of Deductive Frames (Scene 9)" by Dean Kavanagh will screen as part of a programme of Experimental Film Society at Fronteira - International Documentary and Experimental Film Festival. The first edition of FRONTEIRA - International Documentary and Experimental Film Festival , runs from the 30th of August to September 7th in Goiânia, Goiás - Brazil. FRONTEIRA is dedicated to films that resist to predominant ways of cinematographic language, questioners of prefabricated views of the world that offers new ways of seeing, thinking and experimenting the reality. The idea is reunite unseen films in Goiás and most of times unseen in Brazil, from a various places, in a significant panorama of the contemporary worldwide and brazilian film.

Special thanks to Toni D’Angela & Rafael Castanheira Parrode

More info HERE and HERE

Complete programme and line-up HERE